Jean Mahie is renowned for their distinctive and innovative approach to jewelry design. Founded by Jacline Mazard, in 1970, in partnership with her father-in-law Jean Mazard. Jacline displayed an unusual artistic talent from a young age. She grew up in Carthage, Tunisia, and took an early interest in art and design, largely inspired by the ancient Roman ruins in her country. She considers herself a sculptor and goldsmith rather than a jeweler.
Jacline Mazard is an artistic mind, and Jean Mazard a successful business man. He created “Prenatal,” a chain of stores where you could find everything necessary for pregnant women and children. He began with $1,000 in October 1947 and sold it in 1968. At 60 years old, Jean decided to work with 24k gold and included Jacline in the new venture. It took them 5 years to develop their personal technique, and in 1970 they enlisted help from a women in public relations to launch their brand that gained recognition very quickly.
Jean Mahie‘s designs are characterized by their bold, sculptural forms and intricate detailing. Each piece is meticulously handcrafted, resulting in one-of-a-kind creations that blur the line between jewelry and art. They were amongst the first artists to create their own work and to have it displayed with their own brand name at leading jewelry stores such as Cartier and Van Cleef & Arpels.
The Mazards drew inspiration from their travels around the world, incorporating elements of different cultures and traditions into their designs. Their pieces often feature hammered or textured surfaces, giving them a unique quality. One of Jean Mahie's most distinctive features is their use of 22k gold, which imparts a warm, rich hue to their creations.
Today, Jean Mahie continues to push the boundaries of jewelry design, creating pieces that are as timeless as they are innovative. With a legacy spanning over half a century, Jean Mahie remains a beacon of creativity and craftsmanship in the world of fine jewelry.